The Studio is very proud to be recognized as a chapter of the National Honor Society for the Dance Arts.
NHSDA is meant to recognize those young people for whom dance is their most significant extra-curricular activity during school. It has significant dance components as well as service and academic components. Once requirements are met members will be inducted via ceremony. Inducted members receive a cord and recognition for graduation. This program is eligible to dancers starting in sixth grade.
It is with great pride that we announce our spring inductees and graduates each spring. The ceremony takes place at the John Harris Mansion in Harrisburg. These students excel not only in dance, but also in service and academics. They are very impressive young ladies and embody the beauty and joy of dance.
Future NHSDA members, see useful documents to track your points below. And once points have been approved, please proceed to this link to apply for Induction.
NHSDA members and new inductees